Yep, I'm not at work again. You're probably wondering to yourself, "does this bitch ever work on Fridays?!" And as of late, the answer would be no. At least not a full Friday. Haha! I'm off to NYC in a couple hours and I cannot wait.
Back to the Casey Anthony thing for a hot minute. People are kind of getting on my nerves now asking how the jury could be so dumb, they got it wrong, how can they live with themselves, etc. There wasn't enough evidence people. I would never want any of these fools serving as a jury where I was on trial. Ha, not that it would ever happen, but just saying.
This is my first summer "in DC" and so far it has been awesome, except for the tourists. I know I am a tourist when I go to other cities, but come on, there is something special about DC tourists. And I don't mean special in a good way. They're just so unaware of their surroundings and landmarks. I can't tell you how many I've heard say, "ohhhh look there's the White House." I look and think to myself, "WTF you morons. That's the U.S. Capitol!" SMH.
Anyhow, I am going to the gym to preempt all the damage I am about to do this weekend!
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