I really, really despise Citibank. Without getting into the story because it's too long, let's just say they're some money grubbing fraudulent whores! Whenever I use they're credit card, which isn't often at all, I encounter 3647632746 problems. Therefore, this is it, I cleared up a stupid fraudulent fee once again I am washing my hands of them. I LOVE CAPITAL ONE, they never give me any problems!
I cannot BELIEVE that Prince Harry has been fighting in Afghanistan since December and it was kept a secret. Good for him, not good for the media to release EXACTLY where he was. What a bunch of bitches, yeah let's break this story and put the Prince's life in danger! AWESOME. Supposedly he is already back on a plane to the UK.
So, I tried Silk Soy Vanilla Milk light and I like it! It's really good and I bought some at the grocery store. Also, still going strong with the soda. Of course, I have had some in between the time I 'quit' and now, but probably a total of 3 sodas. And honestly, now I don't even enjoy it very much anymore. It doesn't taste that great. So looks like I will stick to it!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Quarterlife Crisis
So there's a new show premiering on NBC tomorrow night at 10. It has actually been an "Internet Series" for some time now, but NBC picked it up as a full show. You should watch it. It's good, I watched all the episodes online yesterday and now I can't wait for tomorrow night. It's called Quarterlife and if you're a twenty something it's definitely for you. You should also read the book Crisis because it does a great job summarizing everything you will go through.
I think the Quarterlife Crisis might actually be worse/scarier than the midlife crisis, but def. more exciting. It's an uncertain time where you don't know who you really are anymore, not sure what you're going to do in life and you wonder what happened to that "idea" of what you thought was going to be at twenty something. I know I do and I wish I was still in college almost every day. Ha, but no really... sometimes I even miss just being a kid in elem. school with no real worries. Guess you can apply it to anything: You don't know what you have until it's gone.
I remember I could NOT WAIT to get to high school, graduate, go to college, graduate and get a job, get married, have 2.5 kids, dog, etc. HAAAAA, then I got to college and I wanted to stop time. It's funny how you think things are going to be i.e. go to college, get a great job you love that pays well, find the 'one,' get married, have kids and live happily every after! If only it were that easy. It's a long road from here 'til there and I honestly don't know what I truly want to do. It's scary, exciting, motivating and so many other things. Sometimes I wish I knew exactly where I was going and what I'd be doing in five years, but then I like the not knowing too and being able to make all these choices.
I think the Quarterlife Crisis might actually be worse/scarier than the midlife crisis, but def. more exciting. It's an uncertain time where you don't know who you really are anymore, not sure what you're going to do in life and you wonder what happened to that "idea" of what you thought was going to be at twenty something. I know I do and I wish I was still in college almost every day. Ha, but no really... sometimes I even miss just being a kid in elem. school with no real worries. Guess you can apply it to anything: You don't know what you have until it's gone.
I remember I could NOT WAIT to get to high school, graduate, go to college, graduate and get a job, get married, have 2.5 kids, dog, etc. HAAAAA, then I got to college and I wanted to stop time. It's funny how you think things are going to be i.e. go to college, get a great job you love that pays well, find the 'one,' get married, have kids and live happily every after! If only it were that easy. It's a long road from here 'til there and I honestly don't know what I truly want to do. It's scary, exciting, motivating and so many other things. Sometimes I wish I knew exactly where I was going and what I'd be doing in five years, but then I like the not knowing too and being able to make all these choices.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Been M.I.A
Sorry, I've been busy, thus absent from this blog. First things first, how 'bout them HOKIES?! Woohoo! How awesome is it to sweep not only UVA, but Maryland too!! Both have the local conference foes were swept under the rug. Loves it.
If it snows/ices tonight and tomorrow, fine, but it better be impossible for me to get to work. A 3 day work week followed by another 3 day weekend would be superb. However, I have a doctor's appointment @ 9 a.m. and I have things to do every Friday so it's very INCONVENIENT. Ugh, lame.
Let's see, what else. I am going to NYC in like two weeks and I cannot wait. The bus ride is going to make it all the better too, ha. How come I keep seeing BIG BROTHER everywhere? Blogs, recaps, news stories, and friends telling me to watch it. I just don't think it's going to happen. Since the strike I have become really jaded with tv. I haven't been interested in watching anything really. I have watched Friday Night Lights (which might be canceled) and Cashmere Mafia, which might be canceled! AWESOME! Thanks. They canceled Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars last year, now this.
Can I tell you how much I love the rapper Trina? I mean, she is AWESOME. I have been listening to her since like sophomore year of high school, but just downloaded more of her stuff and I love it.
Anyway, I'm outtttttt.
If it snows/ices tonight and tomorrow, fine, but it better be impossible for me to get to work. A 3 day work week followed by another 3 day weekend would be superb. However, I have a doctor's appointment @ 9 a.m. and I have things to do every Friday so it's very INCONVENIENT. Ugh, lame.
Let's see, what else. I am going to NYC in like two weeks and I cannot wait. The bus ride is going to make it all the better too, ha. How come I keep seeing BIG BROTHER everywhere? Blogs, recaps, news stories, and friends telling me to watch it. I just don't think it's going to happen. Since the strike I have become really jaded with tv. I haven't been interested in watching anything really. I have watched Friday Night Lights (which might be canceled) and Cashmere Mafia, which might be canceled! AWESOME! Thanks. They canceled Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars last year, now this.
Can I tell you how much I love the rapper Trina? I mean, she is AWESOME. I have been listening to her since like sophomore year of high school, but just downloaded more of her stuff and I love it.
Anyway, I'm outtttttt.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Love President's Day
Yay for President's Day because it gives me a 3 day weekend! Happy President's Day!! I am going to look at cell phones tomorrow too. My phone seems to be crapping out, the screen is fading, and I am kind of sick of it. Hopefully I find one and it all works out.
Blacksburg was great, of course. I miss college soooooo much. I wish I could be a college student forever. Sad. You should check out Gardenia by Mandy Moore, great song. Then I am currently obsessed with Rachel Yamagata! She's awesome and she's from Arlington, Va. woo represent! I am so sick of there being nothing on tv so thank the lord this strike is over! However, now we have to wait for them to produce more episodes. Ahhh.
I don't really have anything else to say, but I hadn't written in awhile. I will write more when I have something interesting to say.
Blacksburg was great, of course. I miss college soooooo much. I wish I could be a college student forever. Sad. You should check out Gardenia by Mandy Moore, great song. Then I am currently obsessed with Rachel Yamagata! She's awesome and she's from Arlington, Va. woo represent! I am so sick of there being nothing on tv so thank the lord this strike is over! However, now we have to wait for them to produce more episodes. Ahhh.
I don't really have anything else to say, but I hadn't written in awhile. I will write more when I have something interesting to say.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Another day, Another lame-o
Hi folks!
This morning on 66 I spotted another one. Another what, you ask?! ANOTHER FREAKIN' DVCCer!! This was a new one. He drove a maroon Acura TL and his license plate read, "DVCC 13" much to my annoyance once again! If you're reading this and you're that person: YOU ARE LAME. (I know he's not, but still). OMG, it's like a cult. You heard it here first: Dominion Valley is a CULT!
Did you think the world was ending last night and you didn't get the memo or something? Because that's what I thought when I left work @ 5:30 pm. Thank god I was going to Arlington and not home to the lame ass suburbs b/c I looked to the left and it looked like parking lot hell. Car after car after car not going anywhere. I think I went 4 miles in 30 minutes. What normally takes people 30 minutes took two hours. Obvi some people missed their chance to vote too, sad. It's not like it would have mattered, everyone knew McCain and Obama were going to sweep the Potomac primaries. I also heard people were stuck in the Mixing Bowl, not going anywhere for 5, 6, 7 hours!!
So yep, this Potomac Primary was anti-climatic as is this election. And I don't think it's going to get exciting for me anytime soon because I do not like any of the candidates. They're all lame IMHO. OMG, what's that you say?! You don't like Barack Obama?! But he's the change candidate and everyone loves him! So sick of him being homecoming king because the media has shoved him in our faces and made it "cool" to like him. Sooo over it.
I am super excited for this weekend because I am going to Blacksburg! Woo college, yesss downtown, loveeee extremely cheap alcohol! Home away from home forever. Random, but I love urban dictionary... learn so many random things from it. Haha. Also on my love list: wikipedia--obvs, wonkette.com, dcist.com and pink is the new blog has been on my love list for years now. Check 'em out when you're procrastinating, I mean, working diligently at work!
Lastly, Elliot in the Morn and class are going to Dubai! I am sooo jealous and I couldn't even go if I won! It is definitely on my list of places for travel now.
This morning on 66 I spotted another one. Another what, you ask?! ANOTHER FREAKIN' DVCCer!! This was a new one. He drove a maroon Acura TL and his license plate read, "DVCC 13" much to my annoyance once again! If you're reading this and you're that person: YOU ARE LAME. (I know he's not, but still). OMG, it's like a cult. You heard it here first: Dominion Valley is a CULT!
Did you think the world was ending last night and you didn't get the memo or something? Because that's what I thought when I left work @ 5:30 pm. Thank god I was going to Arlington and not home to the lame ass suburbs b/c I looked to the left and it looked like parking lot hell. Car after car after car not going anywhere. I think I went 4 miles in 30 minutes. What normally takes people 30 minutes took two hours. Obvi some people missed their chance to vote too, sad. It's not like it would have mattered, everyone knew McCain and Obama were going to sweep the Potomac primaries. I also heard people were stuck in the Mixing Bowl, not going anywhere for 5, 6, 7 hours!!
So yep, this Potomac Primary was anti-climatic as is this election. And I don't think it's going to get exciting for me anytime soon because I do not like any of the candidates. They're all lame IMHO. OMG, what's that you say?! You don't like Barack Obama?! But he's the change candidate and everyone loves him! So sick of him being homecoming king because the media has shoved him in our faces and made it "cool" to like him. Sooo over it.
I am super excited for this weekend because I am going to Blacksburg! Woo college, yesss downtown, loveeee extremely cheap alcohol! Home away from home forever. Random, but I love urban dictionary... learn so many random things from it. Haha. Also on my love list: wikipedia--obvs, wonkette.com, dcist.com and pink is the new blog has been on my love list for years now. Check 'em out when you're procrastinating, I mean, working diligently at work!
Lastly, Elliot in the Morn and class are going to Dubai! I am sooo jealous and I couldn't even go if I won! It is definitely on my list of places for travel now.
Dominion Valley,
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Annoying list cont'd
3. People who go the exact speed limit or 5 over in the fast lane and REFUSE to move over. This doesn't happen a lot, but there are plenty of people who go 65-70 in the fast lane and won't get over when people come up behind them!
4. People who don't get close enough up on a light to trip it and let it cycle through at least 2 times while we all sit there and wait. This happened Sat night, 15 and Old Carolina. Stupid ass Prius was about 5 feet back from the line. I sat through the light twice before I got out of line b/c of that moron!
5. Incessant text messaging when it would be easier to call. If it's just to confirm plans, ask a question, see how someone is, whatever, fine, but do not text me with hey, what's up? And also, this is not IM so we are not going to make plans through 34674638194 text messages. Just call me.
This weekend was so so. Friday night was fun, but then I was hungover and didn't feel like doing much Sat. night. I could have gone to Adams Mo, but I knew I would have gotten home soooo late i.e. 5 a.m. I didn't feel like doing that so I went to Target, LOL, loves it and bought Garden State. Good movie! I also got the soundtrack on itunes... such good music!
Exciting things coming up: Blacksburg this weekend and NYC first w/e of March! Woohoo, cannot wait!
4. People who don't get close enough up on a light to trip it and let it cycle through at least 2 times while we all sit there and wait. This happened Sat night, 15 and Old Carolina. Stupid ass Prius was about 5 feet back from the line. I sat through the light twice before I got out of line b/c of that moron!
5. Incessant text messaging when it would be easier to call. If it's just to confirm plans, ask a question, see how someone is, whatever, fine, but do not text me with hey, what's up? And also, this is not IM so we are not going to make plans through 34674638194 text messages. Just call me.
This weekend was so so. Friday night was fun, but then I was hungover and didn't feel like doing much Sat. night. I could have gone to Adams Mo, but I knew I would have gotten home soooo late i.e. 5 a.m. I didn't feel like doing that so I went to Target, LOL, loves it and bought Garden State. Good movie! I also got the soundtrack on itunes... such good music!
Exciting things coming up: Blacksburg this weekend and NYC first w/e of March! Woohoo, cannot wait!
text messaging
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
That's highly annoying
Here are some things that have just been piling up over the past week that I feel I need to address. They are annoying things.
1. People who live in Dominion Valley who have license plates like DVCC GLF, DVCC SWM, DVCC18, DVCC LAME, WHATEVER! It's so ridic. And, no I am not talking about 1 or 2 vanity plates. I have seen at least 6 in the past couple weeks. Okay, we get it, you're a member of Dominion Valley Country Club and probably live in the neighborhood too. Great?! Do we really need to advertise it?! NO!
2. The gym. Okay, I could go on forever here, but let's just address the most bothersome things. Today, a man was wearing full length leggings?! Yes, I know men run in these, but wear them to the gym and with NO shorts over them. He just had a t-shirt on and a small one @ that. Leggings on a man. at the gym. no. Next, men using the light free weights as in 5-10 pounders. I am not all up on the different weight exercises, but is it really necessary for a man to use the 5 pound weights to do, what looked like, wrist lifts?! Weird. Furthermore, all 4 treadmills being used, fine, but everyone walking for over 30 minutes?! I want to run on the thing, come on!
Okay, that's it for now b/c Cashmere Mafia is going to be on, but there's more!
And sorry I didn't proofread this post!!
1. People who live in Dominion Valley who have license plates like DVCC GLF, DVCC SWM, DVCC18, DVCC LAME, WHATEVER! It's so ridic. And, no I am not talking about 1 or 2 vanity plates. I have seen at least 6 in the past couple weeks. Okay, we get it, you're a member of Dominion Valley Country Club and probably live in the neighborhood too. Great?! Do we really need to advertise it?! NO!
2. The gym. Okay, I could go on forever here, but let's just address the most bothersome things. Today, a man was wearing full length leggings?! Yes, I know men run in these, but wear them to the gym and with NO shorts over them. He just had a t-shirt on and a small one @ that. Leggings on a man. at the gym. no. Next, men using the light free weights as in 5-10 pounders. I am not all up on the different weight exercises, but is it really necessary for a man to use the 5 pound weights to do, what looked like, wrist lifts?! Weird. Furthermore, all 4 treadmills being used, fine, but everyone walking for over 30 minutes?! I want to run on the thing, come on!
Okay, that's it for now b/c Cashmere Mafia is going to be on, but there's more!
And sorry I didn't proofread this post!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
L to the ame
That was me this weekend... soooo lame. I didn't really go anywhere, specifically at night. Oh well. I was house sitting and grgghh, I do not want a dog for awhile. I am actually still house sitting until tomorrow night. A dog is so much responsibility: get up early w/ it, let it out, feed it, let it out throughout the day, feed again, play with it, etc. OMG, it's like having a kid. Do I look like I want more responsibility? So yeah my mom can get a dog or whatever, but I don't want one for awhile.
Ahhh, the super bowl. I thought it was going to be lame and it was until the second half! That was so crazy. I kind of wanted the Patriots to win so they could have an undefeated season, but I thought it would be funny if they went undefeated and then lost in the super bowl. And, BAHAHAHHAA. Was it funny or what?! Yes, hilarious. Even more hilarious?! Umm, Belichick walking off the field before it was even over?! What a sore loser! I'd be so embarrassed if I was a Patriots fan. And even better? Cry babies Moss and Brady aren't going to play in the Pro Bowl. Wah, wah, wah. LOSERS.
I want to go to Dubai! Why, you ask?! Well, Elliot in the Morning and class are supposed to go and they're taking 2 listeners (me) along and those 2 listeners get to bring someone! It's for a big rock concert out there and if you look it up, it looks sooooo amazing in Dubai. However, I would have to be on my best behavior. I would be looked down upon b/c I am not traveling with my husband (what husband? kind of hard to travel w/ him when he doesn't exist), you can't cuss or use questionable language (i.e. calling my girl friends bitches and hoes), you can't be all drunk in public, etc. So I am willing to bet that I'd end up w/ 10 life sentences and never take another breath in the good ole' United States of America. You'd def. see a special about me on 20/20 and how my lawyers are trying to get me out of my life sentence x 10 b/c I was intoxicated in the streets looking for my bitches and hoes! Maybe they won't know what a slore is and I can use that?! Ahh, I dunno. My friend Mike and I want to go, but we bet you have to do something really crazy to go too. And I don't know about eating hamsters, waxing his butt, or whatever else EITM comes up with. You should have seen/heard what people did for HANNAH MONTANA tickets. OMG.
And in other news, that punk ass Joran Van Der Sloot confessed to dumping Natalee Holloway's body in the ocean after having sex w/ her in which she died?! Yeah, he admits he said it, but says he was lying. BS, BS, BS. I mean, it was incredibly obvious to me (and many others I'm sure) that he was the guilty one all along. He just has that smug look on his face that says, "Yeah I killed her, I don't care, and I'm going to get away with it."
Oh and haven't had a soda in a week! HAAAAAAAAA! SUCKAAAAASSS.
Dubaiii, Dubaiiii, Dubaiiiiiii-
Ahhh, the super bowl. I thought it was going to be lame and it was until the second half! That was so crazy. I kind of wanted the Patriots to win so they could have an undefeated season, but I thought it would be funny if they went undefeated and then lost in the super bowl. And, BAHAHAHHAA. Was it funny or what?! Yes, hilarious. Even more hilarious?! Umm, Belichick walking off the field before it was even over?! What a sore loser! I'd be so embarrassed if I was a Patriots fan. And even better? Cry babies Moss and Brady aren't going to play in the Pro Bowl. Wah, wah, wah. LOSERS.
I want to go to Dubai! Why, you ask?! Well, Elliot in the Morning and class are supposed to go and they're taking 2 listeners (me) along and those 2 listeners get to bring someone! It's for a big rock concert out there and if you look it up, it looks sooooo amazing in Dubai. However, I would have to be on my best behavior. I would be looked down upon b/c I am not traveling with my husband (what husband? kind of hard to travel w/ him when he doesn't exist), you can't cuss or use questionable language (i.e. calling my girl friends bitches and hoes), you can't be all drunk in public, etc. So I am willing to bet that I'd end up w/ 10 life sentences and never take another breath in the good ole' United States of America. You'd def. see a special about me on 20/20 and how my lawyers are trying to get me out of my life sentence x 10 b/c I was intoxicated in the streets looking for my bitches and hoes! Maybe they won't know what a slore is and I can use that?! Ahh, I dunno. My friend Mike and I want to go, but we bet you have to do something really crazy to go too. And I don't know about eating hamsters, waxing his butt, or whatever else EITM comes up with. You should have seen/heard what people did for HANNAH MONTANA tickets. OMG.
And in other news, that punk ass Joran Van Der Sloot confessed to dumping Natalee Holloway's body in the ocean after having sex w/ her in which she died?! Yeah, he admits he said it, but says he was lying. BS, BS, BS. I mean, it was incredibly obvious to me (and many others I'm sure) that he was the guilty one all along. He just has that smug look on his face that says, "Yeah I killed her, I don't care, and I'm going to get away with it."
Oh and haven't had a soda in a week! HAAAAAAAAA! SUCKAAAAASSS.
Dubaiii, Dubaiiii, Dubaiiiiiii-
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Burns hurt like $hit
I have a new found respect for burn victims. Okay, not that I didn't respect them before, but omg I cannot imagine how they get through the recovery. Thursday night @ approximately 10 p.m. I was pouring boiling water from a tea kettle into a mug and it was kind of dark. I guess I missed the part where it was FULL because it overflowed onto my left hand.
OMGGGGGGGGGG, I threw the mug and ran my hand under cold water. It immediately started blistering. So I put ice on it b/c my mom told me to. Then I read online NOT to put ice on it. Thanks Mom. So then I soaked it in cold water. It felt okay in the cold water, but then I'd take it out and it would be okay for a min and then throb and burn. The pain, seriously excruciating. It was the most painful thing I have ever felt and that includes the time I ripped the IV out during my wisdom teeth surgery and felt them digging my tooth out! So I took 2 aspirin @ 10:30 and then got into bed. I tried to go to sleep around 11, but my hand burned and throbbed every 10 mins. I would go soak my hand in the bathroom sink and it would feel good/numb for 10 minutes and then intense pain. Then I put solarcaine on it and took 3 more aspirin. It felt good for 15 minutes and then burning again. So from like 11:30 to 1:30 am I went back and forth b/w my bed and the sink. I finally got a bucket of water and took 2 more aspirin and 2 benadryl. That somewhat helped b/c I would dose off, but then wake up to my hand burning b/c it came out of the water. It was now 4:30 a.m. and I was supposed to be up @ 7:30 a.m. DAMNITTTT, I wanted to call in sick, but I couldn't b/c I had deadlines. So at 4:30 I said F it and got a bag of ice. Resting my hand on that finally let me get some sleep, but I would awake when it melted and had to get more. My alarm went off and I was like hell to the no am I going to work right now. So I slept in 'til 10 and then went in. Now the awesome part--my burns had developed into second degree burns! Awesome, it was only on my 3 fingers... pinky, index, and a little on the middle. It was all blistery and gross though. At least it had finally stopped burning. I worked from 11-3 and then went to Urgent Care. They put medicine on it and wrapped it up. They gave me a prescription and now I have to apply it twice a day and change the dressings. Umm, it feels a lot better, but I am getting a lot of looks since my hand is wrapped up like Freddy Cougar. So, if I am ever in a serious fire just pull the plug b/c there is no way I am going to make it through the recovery.
Can you say sweeeeeeeeeeeep?! Yes, beat UVA on the road and in Cassell!!! So awesome to beat them in football and TWICE in basketball. Eat it.
Let's see. I hope Britney is finally getting the help she needs!! I seriously feel bad for her; she has so many people around her taking advantage of her. That Sam Lufti guy is a freak, loser, hanger-on! New music I love: Joshua Radin, awesome and beautiful.
That stupid possum, I mean groundhog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter. Great, super, sweet, NOT! I need to move.
OMGGGGGGGGGG, I threw the mug and ran my hand under cold water. It immediately started blistering. So I put ice on it b/c my mom told me to. Then I read online NOT to put ice on it. Thanks Mom. So then I soaked it in cold water. It felt okay in the cold water, but then I'd take it out and it would be okay for a min and then throb and burn. The pain, seriously excruciating. It was the most painful thing I have ever felt and that includes the time I ripped the IV out during my wisdom teeth surgery and felt them digging my tooth out! So I took 2 aspirin @ 10:30 and then got into bed. I tried to go to sleep around 11, but my hand burned and throbbed every 10 mins. I would go soak my hand in the bathroom sink and it would feel good/numb for 10 minutes and then intense pain. Then I put solarcaine on it and took 3 more aspirin. It felt good for 15 minutes and then burning again. So from like 11:30 to 1:30 am I went back and forth b/w my bed and the sink. I finally got a bucket of water and took 2 more aspirin and 2 benadryl. That somewhat helped b/c I would dose off, but then wake up to my hand burning b/c it came out of the water. It was now 4:30 a.m. and I was supposed to be up @ 7:30 a.m. DAMNITTTT, I wanted to call in sick, but I couldn't b/c I had deadlines. So at 4:30 I said F it and got a bag of ice. Resting my hand on that finally let me get some sleep, but I would awake when it melted and had to get more. My alarm went off and I was like hell to the no am I going to work right now. So I slept in 'til 10 and then went in. Now the awesome part--my burns had developed into second degree burns! Awesome, it was only on my 3 fingers... pinky, index, and a little on the middle. It was all blistery and gross though. At least it had finally stopped burning. I worked from 11-3 and then went to Urgent Care. They put medicine on it and wrapped it up. They gave me a prescription and now I have to apply it twice a day and change the dressings. Umm, it feels a lot better, but I am getting a lot of looks since my hand is wrapped up like Freddy Cougar. So, if I am ever in a serious fire just pull the plug b/c there is no way I am going to make it through the recovery.
Can you say sweeeeeeeeeeeep?! Yes, beat UVA on the road and in Cassell!!! So awesome to beat them in football and TWICE in basketball. Eat it.
Let's see. I hope Britney is finally getting the help she needs!! I seriously feel bad for her; she has so many people around her taking advantage of her. That Sam Lufti guy is a freak, loser, hanger-on! New music I love: Joshua Radin, awesome and beautiful.
That stupid possum, I mean groundhog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter. Great, super, sweet, NOT! I need to move.
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