Monday, February 25, 2008

Quarterlife Crisis

So there's a new show premiering on NBC tomorrow night at 10. It has actually been an "Internet Series" for some time now, but NBC picked it up as a full show. You should watch it. It's good, I watched all the episodes online yesterday and now I can't wait for tomorrow night. It's called Quarterlife and if you're a twenty something it's definitely for you. You should also read the book Crisis because it does a great job summarizing everything you will go through.

I think the Quarterlife Crisis might actually be worse/scarier than the midlife crisis, but def. more exciting. It's an uncertain time where you don't know who you really are anymore, not sure what you're going to do in life and you wonder what happened to that "idea" of what you thought was going to be at twenty something. I know I do and I wish I was still in college almost every day. Ha, but no really... sometimes I even miss just being a kid in elem. school with no real worries. Guess you can apply it to anything: You don't know what you have until it's gone.

I remember I could NOT WAIT to get to high school, graduate, go to college, graduate and get a job, get married, have 2.5 kids, dog, etc. HAAAAA, then I got to college and I wanted to stop time. It's funny how you think things are going to be i.e. go to college, get a great job you love that pays well, find the 'one,' get married, have kids and live happily every after! If only it were that easy. It's a long road from here 'til there and I honestly don't know what I truly want to do. It's scary, exciting, motivating and so many other things. Sometimes I wish I knew exactly where I was going and what I'd be doing in five years, but then I like the not knowing too and being able to make all these choices.

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