I have a new found respect for burn victims. Okay, not that I didn't respect them before, but omg I cannot imagine how they get through the recovery. Thursday night @ approximately 10 p.m. I was pouring boiling water from a tea kettle into a mug and it was kind of dark. I guess I missed the part where it was FULL because it overflowed onto my left hand.
OMGGGGGGGGGG, I threw the mug and ran my hand under cold water. It immediately started blistering. So I put ice on it b/c my mom told me to. Then I read online NOT to put ice on it. Thanks Mom. So then I soaked it in cold water. It felt okay in the cold water, but then I'd take it out and it would be okay for a min and then throb and burn. The pain, seriously excruciating. It was the most painful thing I have ever felt and that includes the time I ripped the IV out during my wisdom teeth surgery and felt them digging my tooth out! So I took 2 aspirin @ 10:30 and then got into bed. I tried to go to sleep around 11, but my hand burned and throbbed every 10 mins. I would go soak my hand in the bathroom sink and it would feel good/numb for 10 minutes and then intense pain. Then I put solarcaine on it and took 3 more aspirin. It felt good for 15 minutes and then burning again. So from like 11:30 to 1:30 am I went back and forth b/w my bed and the sink. I finally got a bucket of water and took 2 more aspirin and 2 benadryl. That somewhat helped b/c I would dose off, but then wake up to my hand burning b/c it came out of the water. It was now 4:30 a.m. and I was supposed to be up @ 7:30 a.m. DAMNITTTT, I wanted to call in sick, but I couldn't b/c I had deadlines. So at 4:30 I said F it and got a bag of ice. Resting my hand on that finally let me get some sleep, but I would awake when it melted and had to get more. My alarm went off and I was like hell to the no am I going to work right now. So I slept in 'til 10 and then went in. Now the awesome part--my burns had developed into second degree burns! Awesome, it was only on my 3 fingers... pinky, index, and a little on the middle. It was all blistery and gross though. At least it had finally stopped burning. I worked from 11-3 and then went to Urgent Care. They put medicine on it and wrapped it up. They gave me a prescription and now I have to apply it twice a day and change the dressings. Umm, it feels a lot better, but I am getting a lot of looks since my hand is wrapped up like Freddy Cougar. So, if I am ever in a serious fire just pull the plug b/c there is no way I am going to make it through the recovery.
Can you say sweeeeeeeeeeeep?! Yes, beat UVA on the road and in Cassell!!! So awesome to beat them in football and TWICE in basketball. Eat it.
Let's see. I hope Britney is finally getting the help she needs!! I seriously feel bad for her; she has so many people around her taking advantage of her. That Sam Lufti guy is a freak, loser, hanger-on! New music I love: Joshua Radin, awesome and beautiful.
That stupid possum, I mean groundhog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter. Great, super, sweet, NOT! I need to move.
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