I was up outside of Boston Thursday through Sunday. It was an AMAZING weekend, flying aside. I am not going to get into the nightmare that was flying up there, but flying just ain't what it used to be guys! I want to travel more, but the last four times I have flown have been special. And not in a good way. Anyhow, we spent Friday at the beach lounging and playing wiffle ball. Then Logan and I had dinner and drinks in Rhode Island. Wow. Rhode Island is a BEAUTIFUL state! Who knew? I guess a lot of people, but not me! Saturday I accompanied Logan to a wedding and it was an amazing time. It was an all day and night event so Monday was rough as per usual.
Also, we all know how much Taylo loves to talk crap about metro! Well, I'm about to blow your mind and say something semi-nice. Metro provided me with such epic service last night. I think they broke a world record. My friend dropped me off at the New Carrollton metro (if you don't know where this is look it up on the wmata map) and I made it to Courthouse in 33 minutes! We actually only stopped at, you know, designated STOPS. That's right. We didn't stop in the middle of the tunnel and then jerk forward 27674 times or hang out in the tunnel for five minutes because the train ahead of us was still servicing the station. The train went forward and stopped only when necessary. I am telling you metro provides a real HIGH level of service on Sunday nights. But really that's the only time.
I feel like there was something else I wanted to talk about, but I can't remember what so I will just leave you with a few photos.
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