Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

The rain kind of coincides with how I feel right now. Just down. That's why I haven't blogged. Well I was also busy down in Blacksburg, which was a totally fun time. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I came back Saturday night because I had a wedding on Sunday. The wedding was also a great time. Labor Day is where is took a turn, but hopefully in time things will be better.

On another note, a brighter one, I have less than 30 days left at my current job, which makes me very happy. I am ready to move on and try something new. Sometimes I wonder if I am making the right decision, but every day at that place makes me realize that I am! Oh and more good news--my achilles tendonitis is finally better! I don't think it's 100% yet, but I have been running. And yesterday I ran the furthest I have run in like a month, 5.5 miles, which made me feel so much better. It's really hard for me to rest even though I know that's the only thing that will help most of the time.

And lastly you should check out this song by NeedToBreathe because it's awesome!

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