Next thing and only briefly because I am sure you will think it's boring, but the economy? I am worried for our future, for where the country is going?! I am thankful I am young and hopefully have a full life ahead of me. This isn't good for people on the cusp of retiring. The fed cut the rate again... great, band-aid on a gun shot wound. I just can't believe people acted like this wasn't coming. OF COURSE the housing bubble was bound to burst. And shame on you if you bought that 500k house you COULD NOT afford. Even worse, you bankers, mortgage lenders and your sub-prime bullshit. You all should be indicted and go to jail. Yeah, I said it. The buyers should have looked into the sub-prime mortgage loan and also taken a moment to think, "gee is this too good to be true?" YES!!
And, did you know that the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012? Yep, look it up. No I am not a religious zealot. If you look it up, it's scary. It's not only Nostradamus, the bible, and all that hoopla. There are scientific facts and scientists (Albert Einstein) who predicted it. The poles might shift causing massive earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes! It's also based upon the Mayan Calendar. I know, I know. How many times have they said the end is coming? I mean, I still have left over bottle water and packaged dry food in the basement from Y2K. I mean, what?! JK, JK. It's seriously disturbing though and I am not saying I am scoping out a cave right now, but it's just interesting right now. We don't have any regard for human life, this earth, or what's going on in the world. I am just as guilty as the next person. Either the world didn't used to suck as much or I was just a naive, sheltered child. I am going to go with the second revelation. It made me think (crazy or not) what if I have less than four years left? Is what I am doing with my life fulfilling and worthwhile? How much will I not get to do? Do I sweat the small things too much? Do I get pissed off @ drivers on 66 when it really doesn't matter? Yeahhhhh, but then again I might not be alive in 2 years. I might be alive for another 67 years. You never know. Have I depressed you?!
Okay, moving on to random topics and (yes happier). I don't think I could ever be famous because the paparazzi would catch me doing the stupidest things, acting a fool. I thought this to my busy head as I drove down Routes 50 and 15 on my way home this evening. I was singing @ the top of my lungs, switching radio stations (yes I knew every song on every station), dancing like a moron (I'm sure), and snapping - somewhat to the beat. This is just a small glimpse of the things I do in the car.
How wrong is it that I
Like I am listening to it right now?! I can't wait to see you againnnnnn. I've got my sights set on you. Ohhhhhh, rock out like you're 12. Ok, sorry. Totally uncalled for.
Also do you drive a Subaru WRX? Not sure what that is? Lucky you. Please see above for the ugliest/most annoying/yet people who drive them think they're so cool CAR. I hate them. If you drive one, I don't hate you. I hate your car. FIRST of all, it's a SUBARU! Second of all, it's all 'souped' up and it looks even uglier. Lastly, you think you're sooo cool in your little 6 speed dropping in and out of traffic. Oh and your exhaust is too big and ugly as well. Do I sound 6? Well I like Hannah/Miley, remember? Sorry, I know that is so random, but I think I see that car about once every 2-3 days and it never ceases to make me think "ughh, gross."
By now, you are either thinking 1. this bitch has a case of the crazy (I haven't been hangin' w/ Brit) 2. I can't believe that ho be makin' fun of my WRX or 3. OMG, I totally love Hannah/Miley too!
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