I have less than two days left at work until 12 glorious days off. I know you're jealy. First of all, I will mention the nightmare from Saturday. It was my birthday, as well as Virginia Tech's! The university opened October 1, 1872 and then 112 years later the real fun began when I was born. I cannot believe I just found out that bit of news on Saturday. Anyhow, neither of those were the nightmare. The nightmare was that game, against Clemson, OMG. I have been a Hokie fan for nine years and I am pretty sure that was the most painful game I ever watched. Just awful. Our defense played pretty well, but that was the only bright spot. Our offense was HORRENDOUS as was the play calling. And the special teams was special, but not in the way you want them to be. I can't say I was that surprised though, judging how we played against our first four cupcakes opponents. Oh well, it's just a game. Hopefully it doesn't dictate the rest of the season. I am heading down to Blacksburg for the Miami game and I cannot wait!
So yep, work tomorrow, and a halfish day on Wednesday and I am done. I signed some of my resignation forms today and it felt so good. Today was just a great day overall. You know, just one of those days where you wake up and think, "life is great, today is going to be an awesome day." Then the guilty verdict was partially overturned for Amanda Knox, which just made me so happy for her. She gets to come home now. Say what you want about her, but she was railroaded by the Italian police and justice system. They botched the case from the beginning and the prosecutor has a very questionable past. It sucks that she had to spend four years of her life in jail and fighting this case, but now she gets a fresh start back home and she's only 24. Isn't that what life is all about?!
And I will leave you with my newest obsession, Lost and Found by Kate Herzig:
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