Tuesday, March 4, 2008

On the move

Sorry, I have been really busy and haven't been keeping up with this. You know I have had some important developments in my life that I have had to attend to and will be attending to over the next week. So there may not be many blog entries over the next week.

Anyhow, I have to go to D.C. for work tomorrow. Cool, if I didn't have to be there @ 8:30 a.m., ugh sooo not looking forward to the commute! I am sad Elliot and the class are leaving for Dubai this week too and without me! I should be going. I am going to NYC though and that should be a lot of fun.

I cannot believe those frackin' Marines a. dropped puppies off a cliff b. FILMED it and c. are human. They should be discharged like yesterday. Puppies are so innocent and would not hurt a soul. Disgusting people.

Also, did you hear Elliot yesterday? The drug addict, his father and their story? So riveting. They have two books out and I did some research on them. Found the article in which the father's book developed and an excerpt of Tweak. Yeah, I def. ordered them both and cannot wait. I love books about drugs, addiction and recovery!!

I am annnnnoyed b/c my 'n' key on my keyboard is fudging out. WTF, I have to press down on it so hard.

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