Tuesday, March 11, 2008

NYC vs. DC

NYC is ridyadonkulous place. Now I know. It's pretty cool, but so fast paced... I don't know how people live there. The list in no particular order:

1. The subway?! OMG, so gross and dirty!
2. Homeless people hanging out at the subway stops like no tomorrow! HELLO.
3. The city is dirty, there are a lot of people, I know, but jeez can't you have a little respect for the place?!
4. Sooo hectic and bustle. I love the "city" life, but it is sooo busy there. I don't think I could keep up with the pace of NYC. The i bankers up there work 10 am.... wait for it.... to 3 am on a regular basis! WTF?! Yeah, they make a lot of money, but still.
5. I do like how every trip on their subway is $2, don't have to figure out how much it is going to cost like you do on the metro. Also, you don't have to put a freakin' ticket through the thing to exit like you do the metro.
6. The subway is so confusing. I am not gonna lie, I thought the metro was confusing before I encountered the subway! Now, I welcome the metro.
7. There's soo much to do there, that's for sure. Bar every few steps.
8. Wow, people don't joke around there. They're dressed to the nines, even if there is a monsoon outside!
9. I'm too poor to live and keep up with the "NYC lifestyle."

Anyhow, I have a new appreciation for D.C. I am also ready for warm weather! Woo, cannot believe it's March. And sooo many good things come up...

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